Upon graduation from high school I spent three years in U.S. Marine Corps.
After boot camp came eighteen weeks of radio/telegraph operaters school in
San Diego, CA which prepared me for working in communications centers in
Iwakuni, Japan and Camp LeJeune, NC for the remainder of my tour of duty.
I returned to Ann Arbor and found a job with a healthcare data processing
company where I learned to program computers which is what I did until I
decided to retire at the end of 2007. I got married in Jan. 1967 and we
had a son and daughter that we raised in Ann Arbor. Our marriage fell apart
and when I got remarried, my wife, Colleen and I moved to Pinckney, MI.
We eventually decided that we were tired of all the snow and cold of winter
so we bought a lot in golf and boating community and had a house built
in Vonore, TN.
My two children and four grandchildren live in Ann Arbor and Brighton so
I get up there for visits a couple times a year and they come down here a
couple of time a year.