During his Ann Arbor High School days the best way to find Butch was in the music wing, and he most likely had a trumpet in his hand. Well, some things never change, and in the years since high school you would usually find him on stage with his trumpet close by.

Immediately after graduation he enrolled at EMU in the Music Department and at the same time created an instrumental music curriculum at Saint Francis School, here in Ann Arbor, where he taught until 1969. During this same period he began teaching private lessons to trumpet students and continues to do so today. In 1970 he joined the Galliard Brass Ensemble (www.galliardbrass.com), a brass quintet that performs community concerts throughout the eastern United States. His performances with the Galliard Brass have also taken him to France, China, Key West, and many, many places in-between.

In the ʼ80's, Butch became Charles. “Butch” just did not look cool on classical music programs; it was an image thing. He enrolled as a grad student at the University of Michigan School of Music. It was here that he met his wife, Carolyn, also a trumpet player. They were married in 1983, and their son Dylan is also a trumpeter who graduated from Ann Arbor Pioneer High in June, 2010.

Today, Charles is still active as a private music teacher and freelance performer. Through his music contracting service, Brassworks (www.brassworksonline.com), he performs at numerous engagements throughout the Detroit metropolitan area. His favorite non-music hobbies are genealogy and computers.