Stan Bidlack

by Nancy (Joiner) Bidlack

Stan and I met in the fourth grade and were married in 1966. We’ve stayed in Ann Arbor for the past forty-four years, with the exception of five recent years in Oregon. We moved back to Michigan in the Fall of 2009 because we were missing our three grand-daughters too much.

Stan retired in 2005 after teaching English for thirty-six years in the Ann Arbor schools. For many years he was also an adjunct lecturer and supervising teacher at the University of Michigan School of Education. In 2004, Stan was inducted into Huron’s River Rat Hall of Fame as an outstanding and beloved teacher. He always liked working on cars, and this hobby led to Stan becoming an ASE Master Mechanic after going through the Automotive Service Program in the 1990s at Washtenaw Community College, where his favorite teacher was our classmate, Rick Weid!

We have two kids. Lisa lives with her husband and our grandkids in Brighton. She went to college at MSU, and is now combining being a Mom and going back to school for a nursing degree. Our son, Matt, is a Navy doctor. After ten years as a prior-enlisted Corpsman, he is now a third-year resident in Family Medicine at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, near San Diego.

Stan and I are looking forward to a wonderful reunion!