What have I done in the last 40 years? Well, let’s start where I am right now: A professor at the University of Minnesota in the College of Education and Human Development. My research and teaching interests focus primarily on school improvement and school reform, but I dabble in a lot of other topics related to education and leadership. If you want to know more about that part of my life, you can go to my website (http://www.cehd.umn.edu/edpa/People/Seashore.html). The picture there, by the way, is at least four years old, and was flattering at the time! In the rest of my life I am married to a very Zen guy (Dan Bratton), who is retired. We have two dogs and a parrot – all very entertaining. Dan is my second – I have two kids (Margit, 34 and Erica, 31) and three grandchildren – from my first marriage with Tom Louis -- none of whom live near me. So that accounts for another aspect of my life since high school, which is peripatetic. This year, in addition to visiting my kids (Hingham, MA and Steamboat Springs, CO), I have been to Denmark, Kuala Lumpur, Bali, and Hong Kong – and will go to Norway (I hope) in the fall. Gotta keep Delta Airlines solvent….I think that it’s safe to say that I get my kicks from traveling and having friends in far flung places. I’ve been in Minneapolis for 23 years now. Before that I was in Boston, where I also taught and did research at a variety of institutions. Aside from the husband, kids, dogs, and bird, I like to knit, read, walk, garden and all the other usual stuff that people like to do. And, I am a theater junkie – which is a good thing to be in Minneapolis. I am still averse to exercise (I think that I almost failed gym at AAHS, and was told in college never to show up to another tennis lesson), but fidget enough to keep reasonably trim. After I left A2 to go to college, I never came back for more than a week or so. It looks really different, but I can still find a lot of things that stir up old memories. And I still like Motown….It’s been fun getting e-mails from people in our class, and I’m really looking forward to the reunion.