After high school graduation, I continued in school to graduate with a degree in engineering from the U of M in 1968.  At that point, the Federal Government gave me the choice of going to Army boot-camp or working as an Aerospace engineer at a remote Mojave Desert Naval weapons development and test site.  During the first year in the desert, I eloped to Las Vegas with my U of M senior-year sweetheart, and we’ve been blessed with 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Except for a year assignment to the Pentagon and another year assignment at McDonald Douglas Aerospace in St. Louis, we’ve been here in the high desert North of Los Angeles since 1968.  

Along the way, I’ve enjoyed coaching/umpiring youth sports, serving on the local United Way and Community Council Boards, working with the Boy Scouts, volunteering as a guide at a National historic site, tinkering with cars and riding off-road bikes and ATV’s with my sons.  During the journey to “Old”, I’ve been serving the local Community of Christ congregation as an elder and youth leader as well as finding time to install solar panels at our home to eliminate retirement electric bills.   I’m looking forward to seeing my class-mates and hoping that we’re all wearing name tags, ‘cause we’ve changed a little from our Omega photos.