January Lerner & Lowe's Camelot closes
on Broadway after 873 performances at
February Medicare is submitted to
Congress by President Kennedy (it would
be passed after his death under President
March Profumo sex scandal rocks Britain
April Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. arrested and jailed in Birmingham,
Alabama during a desegregation drive
completes 22.5 orbits of the earth aboard
Faith-7, the last mission of NASA's Project
June JFK, on 10-day European tour,
gives his "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech at
July U.S. "Zone Improvement Plan" or
August The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. delivers his "I Have a Dream"
speech before a crowd of over 200,000
gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in
September "She Loves You" by the
Beatles tops the charts for three
October Demolition begins on the 53
year old marble & granite Pennsylvania
Station in New York City. The senseless
loss of the beautiful structure spurs
interest in architectural preservation in the
November U.S. President John F.
Kennedy assassinated in Dallas,
Texas...Vice-President Lyndon B.
involvement in the Southeast Asian
conflict was still two years away, by the