We thought it would be interesting to reserve a place on our website where you
could share a brief rundown of your life since high school. Let us know what you
have been doing for the past many years and where you've been doing it.
Did you follow your dream and become the best whatever, or did you get
sidetracked and end up in a career that you never saw coming? We’ve made it
super easy to send your profile info to us, simply fill out the ten question form and
click “Submit”, that’s it, your profile will show up on our web site within a few days.
Click here to get to the form. You might find that having your spouse, child, ex-
spouse, boss, partner, etc., write it would be very enlightening, even to you.
And of course pictures are a must; please send us one of your favorite shots from
high school and also a current picture. Picture files can be sent in any format,
however jpegs will usually have a smaller file size and are preferred. Please use the
email link provided on each page of our web site when sending your pictures.